9-Year-Old’s Artistic Journey: From Classroom Scolding to Restaurant Decoration

Instead of discouraging Joe’s hobby of doodling, his parents chose to nurture his creativity by enrolling him in an after-school art class. This decision came after Joe had faced reprimands for doodling in school.

The parents of 9-year-old Joe Whale made the choice to support his artistic endeavors, sending him to an after-school art class rather than squashing his passion for drawing. Despite previous incidents of Joe getting in trouble for doodling during school hours, his parents decided to encourage his imagination.

Joe was given the opportunity to decorate the dining room of ‘Number 4,’ a restaurant located in Shrewsbury, England. His artistic talents gained him recognition, leading to his moniker as The Doodle Boy. He now boasts his own blog and active social media pages showcasing his impressive artwork.

Bored Panda conducted an interview with Joe’s father, Gregory, to delve into the story behind Joe’s burgeoning artistic talent. According to Gregory, Joe has always harbored a love for drawing and demonstrated his exceptional abilities from a young age. Gregory mentioned that Joe was recognized for his talent early on, being added to the Gifted register at the age of 4 during his primary school years.

More info: TheDoodleBoy.co.uk | Facebook | Instagram

They invited Joe to decorate the dining room of the restaurant.

Greg also provided insight into the time Joe invested in completing his artwork on the restaurant’s dining room walls.

“Joe dedicated approximately 12 hours to illustrate the wall,” Greg revealed.

Moreover, Greg offered guidance for parents aiming to support their children’s talent development: “I would suggest parents to consistently encourage their children to pursue their passions and aspirations. They can explore opportunities such as local workshops or community groups to nurture their interests.”

Any artist would love the creative freedom that Joe’s been offered.

Joe’s teacher posted his work on Instagram. His artwork caught the attention of the restaurant ‘ Number 4, ‘ which invited him to come over with his doodles and decorate their walls. Now, his dad drops him to the restaurant so he can draw his heart out.

“They wanted to get Joe into their restaurant to complete an art piece on their wall, and it was in their main dining area, we were over the moon,” Joe’s dad Greg told the media. “I asked Joe and he, of course, leaped at the chance to do it so we have been going there after school where for a couple of hours a night he’ll put his creativity on their wall.”

Joe’s family is incredibly supportive

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