15+ Animals with the Most Powerful Bite Forces

A human can shatter open a pistachio shell with an average bite force of 162 pounds per square inch (PSI). But this power is nothing in comparison to some of the most vicious biters seen in nature. Humans have to make way in this arena for creatures like piranhas, turtles, and hyenas.

We at Netfoxx find animals to be fascinating and are constantly in awe of their capabilities. Thus, we’ve listed the top 16 animals with the strongest jaws!

1. Great white shark 4,000 PSI (281 kg/cm2)


A team of Australian scientists calculated the great white shark’s bite force in 2008 using computer models created from X-ray images of shark skulls. Since a shark’s bite force and length are typically correlated, smaller sharks—up to 4 meters in length—tend to have weaker bites.

2. Saltwater crocodile 3,700 PSI (260 kg/cm2)

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A ten-year study performed by Florida State University researcher Dr. Gregory Erickson measured the jaw strength of twenty-three different species of crocodiles. A wild saltwater crocodile delivered the strongest bite ever seen on record. These massive reptiles can weigh up to 2 tons and reach lengths of up to 7 meters (22.9 feet), which causes variations in bite force. In certain instances, crocodiles have attacked vessels and gnawed through them.

3. American alligator 2,125 PSI (149 kg/cm2)

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American alligators live in rivers, lakes, and swamps in the Southeast region of the country, especially in Florida and Louisiana. Male alligators can weigh up to 990 pounds (450 kilograms), with an average length of 11 to 15 feet (3.5 to 4.5 meters). Even though these reptiles are big enough to be dangerous to people, fish and turtles are what they eat most often.

4. Jaguar 1,500 PSI (105.4 kg/cm2)

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Among all the large cats, the jaguar is unique in that it can swim exceptionally well. It can hunt fish, turtles, and even armadillos, breaking through their shells. On land, too, they’re just as skilled hunters, utilizing their powerful jaws to take down animals and cattle.

5. Hippopotamus 1,800 PSI (126.5 kg/cm2)

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Although hippos are sometimes portrayed as peaceful giants, they are actually among the most lethal animals in Africa and may be very violent; a lion or crocodile can be killed by a single bite. A hippopotamus can break a watermelon with the same ease as a person can bite into a grape.

6. Gorilla 1,300 PSI (91 kg/cm2)


In addition eating soft bananas, gorillas also crack open nuts and gnaw on bark, tubers, and rough shoots. Gorillas are mostly vegetarians, which is fortunate for the other creatures in their natural habitat. But in addition to their powerful hands, they also have ferocious teeth that can bite through almost anything, which they use to defend their group.

7. Grizzly bear 1,160 PSI (81.5 kg/cm2)


Among bear species, grizzly bears are recognized for their extreme strength and violent disposition. These animals are known to be able to down a moose with a single swipe of their paw, and they have a maximum weight of 680 kg (1,500 lbs). According to scientists, a grizzly bear’s bite force is strong enough to smash a bowling ball.

8. Hyena 1,100 PSI (77 kg/cm2)


Hyenas have a maximum weight of 60 kg (132 lbs). Although hyenas are commonly thought of as scavengers, zoologists believe that around half of the time, they really hunt and kill their own prey. They have a top speed of 60 km/h (37.2 mph), which is comparable to the typical city bus. They can catch and kill a wide range of animals, including buffalo, antelope, and even juvenile giraffes, thanks to their powerful jaws and keen fangs.

9. Bengal tiger 1,050 PSI (47 kg/cm2)


Bengal tigers inhabit the subcontinent of India. Among all feline species, their teeth are the longest, ranging from 7.5 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches). They cover great distances to hunt buffalo, deer, pigs, and other large animals since they are fierce predators. A tiger can eat up to 27 kg (60 lbs) of meat in one night if it is extremely hungry.

10. Lion 650 PSI (45.7 kg/cm2)


Of all the great cats, lions are the tallest. Despite being gregarious creatures that usually hunt in packs, they are able to take down quite large prey on their own because to their strong legs and strong jaws.

11. Mastiff 550 PSI (38.6 kg/cm2)

Despite their reputation for being calm and loving—mastiffs are excellent with young children because of their soft nature—these dogs are nevertheless fiercely protective and have a formidable bite. Their teeth are powerful enough to crack a human bone or even snap a thick stick.

12. Polar bear 1,200 PSI (84.3 kg/cm2)


One of the largest land carnivores, the polar bear can grow to a maximum length of 3 meters (9.8 feet) and a maximum weight of 2,000 pounds. Polar bears are carnivorous only, in contrast to other bears, which eat plants. Their strong jaws are essential to their survival in the cold climate because they enable them to consume the Arctic’s thick-skinned food.

13. Alligator snapping turtle 1,004 PSI (66.9 kg/cm2)

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This turtle can bite off a human finger or smash through a whole pineapple in an instant, even though it is toothless.

14. Grey wolf 398 PSI (28 kg/cm2)


Although they are group animals, adult wolves can also be very powerful on their own. Compared to other dogs, they are better at breaking bones because of their big teeth. With just a few bites, a wolf’s bite force may shatter and crush the bones of creatures up to its size.

15. Cougar 724.6 PSI (50.9 kg/cm2)


In addition to being one of the fastest animals on the planet, a puma, sometimes called a cougar, possesses an exceptionally strong bite. Cougars hunt a variety of animals, including moose, wild pigs, squirrels, and rabbits. They can attack animals much larger than themselves, but they usually target medium-sized animals like deer or mountain sheep.

16. Black piranha 464 PSI (32.6 kg/cm2)

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The world’s most aggressive fish are thought to be piranhas. A black piranha’s bite is noticeably more powerful than other fish of a same size. The bite force of a black piranha, according to scientific research, can reach up to 320 Newtons. For fish of comparable mass, an alligator’s bite would be three times less powerful.

Have any of these animals ever physically encountered you? If this is the case and you have captured a picture, we would be overjoyed if you could post it in the comments section below!

Information for this article was obtained from brightside.me website

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