14 Sculptures That Can Make You Stop and Go, “Wow”

Researchers suggest that there exists a correlation among art, healing, and public health. They propose that visual art serves as a means for individuals to articulate emotions that defy verbal expression. Emotions such as joy, sorrow, and despair can manifest in distinct forms that resonate deeply within.

At netfoxx, our appreciation for visual art is unceasing, and today, we present to you a selection of 14 sculptures that have the potential to captivate your interest.

1. “First, the man takes the drink; then, the drink takes the man.” The sculpture was created based on an old Irish saying.

© scot816/reddit

2. Giant clothespin

© KevlarYarmulke/reddit

3. “The Kiss of Death”

© Gaeloto/reddit

4. “The Splash” glass sculpture

© crinnoire/reddit

5. Melancholy

© art_inthecity/Wikimedia Commons© CC BY 2.0

6. “Karma” sculpture stretches to infinity.

© ANONYMOUSOK01/reddit

7. “A sculpture that vanishes in front of you.”

© Yulinka17/reddit

8. A statue at McGill University in Montreal

© ImmaMissteak/reddit

9. “This tree grew around a stone sculpture of a face, making it appear as if there is a green man trapped inside.”

© Perfectony/reddit

10. “This sculpture at the USA/Canada border”

© Torotiberius/reddit

11. The giant eyeball sculpture

© crazycockerels/reddit

12. “Corporate head” sculpture

13. This sculpture carved out of bricks

© antonbroo/reddit

14. A sculpture in Bristol

© anyoldusernameetcetc/reddit

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